
Interesting stuff..


One of the most important things that a business owner can do today is market their business successfully. This task has become easier in many ways with the invention of the internet, but at the same time grown infinitely more complex. The top three search results on any search engine results page claim upwards of 60% of all the clicks and traffic, and if you aren’t among the page one offerings, you’re going to miss out on a lot of business.

And so many small business owners are left scratching their heads, trying to figure out just how they can take their place among those top three search results. And if you’re one of these businesses, then hopefully we can help.

Here are three powerful small business marketing tips that can help you succeed online:

  1. Create Valuable Content
    One of the most common tips, but also the most important, is to create valuable content for your website. Many companies that specialize in search engine optimization (SEO) and search engine marketing (SEM) recommend this as the first step. In addition to helping your visitors find useful information, Google loves great content, too. That’s why it can increase your rankings and bring in more leads.However, great content marketing goes beyond your own company blog. Consider offering guest writing opportunities to known social media personalities or bloggers in your industry, and seek out these opportunities for yourself as well. You can help these individuals cement their status as an expert and reap the rewards of increased traffic for their posts. Remember: the more connections you build online, the more successful your website will be.
  2. Scalable Advertising Campaigns
    Conventional advertising can be expensive and ROI is notoriously hard to measure, but online advertising is cheaper and more targeted. Something like Google’s “Pay Per Click” ads and Facebook ads can be a great investment, and these ads often cost very little to get started. Also, don’t be afraid to list your business in services like Google My Businesses, which is the key to getting those valuable Google Maps placements. It’s free and can help you see an increase in revenue.
  3. Get Active On Social Media
    This is a more hands-on method of business marketing on the internet, but being active on social media can get you followers, build your brand, and even generate business. Simply retweeting relevant information with a quick thought of your own is a great place to start, or try responding to social media reviews. This kind of direct online engagement with customers is a fantastic way to start building brand loyalty. There’s a reason virtually every Fortune 100 company has an entire department to monitor and respond to social media activity.

Hopefully, these tips helped you get a better idea of what options you have for online business marketing. Of course, there are only first steps, and a more comprehensive marketing strategy requires a slightly more advanced approach. If you’re interested in building up your small business online, then contact our SEO experts today for a consultation.